*No one turned away for lack of funds. PM me if necessary.
Join me for an introduction to the world of mushrooms as medicine! In this 2-hour evening class, I'll cover:
- a broad overview of what makes certain mushrooms medicinal,
- some socio-cultural-historical perspectives,
- dive deeper into a few more well-researched mushroom species used to prevent and treat human diseases,
- some identification tips, and
- basic preparation techniques.
Mycomedicines for all!
I first "discovered" the world of fungi 10 years ago and added it to my ever-growing list of things I couldn't believe had been left out of my formal education. My interest in the kingdom's potential to heal human and global ecosystems has only continued to fascinate me.
I've been experimenting with making and taking well-known mushroom medicines since early 2015, thanks to an ever-increasing connection to the Earth and a partnership with Philadelphia's gourmet mushroom company,Mycopolitan. This year, I decided to launch Edenspore as a way to more consciously spread this important knowledge and medicine to the Philadelphia area.
Thank you to the lovely Programming Staff at Bartram's Garden who have graciously allowed me their space and time in which to teach! ♥